Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just havin' fun

Isaac has his eye on doing commercials and I think he has what it takes. :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beautiful October day in Portugal!

Today was an incredible warm & sunny October day in Portugal. I love the warmth and the sun. The weird thing though was after we went and picked Alana up from the beach (isn't that great, going to the ocean in October!) on our way home we saw an incredible rainbow in the sky and it hadn't even rained. What's that all about? Anyhow, even though the pics don't show you what we REALLY saw, here are a couple that I took at our house after we got back.

Friday, October 17, 2008

To blog or not to blog

So yesterday, Maureen says to me, "So are we gonna get rid of this blog?" and I'm like, well NO, I will eventually get around to it!! Then she mentions that it has been 4 months since the last entry ....
How do you guys do it? I think I understand the why you do it, but I can't even do a monthly blog much less a daily or weekly!! O well, I will try to do better. There actually is alot to update which also is the problem. We'll see, maybe I will end up just throwing in the towel and realize that I'm just not cut out for this thing called bloggin'